Bear-Cuse made pumpkin ravioli
I said I‘d show you the veggies and the creamy cheese sauce I made to accompany my paw-made pumpkin ravioli.
First I cut leek and different mushrooms into small pieces and fried them with some bacon in a big pan.
For the sauce I sautéed some onions, added some vegetable broth and some cream and let it cook slowly for c. 15 min which left enough time to have a little Apéro of crisp white wine and spicy nuts… 😋 When the sauce had cooked enough I added some grated parmigiano cheese and some nutmeg to make it creamy and delicious.
I cooked the ravioli in salted water and added them to the pan with the mushroom mix.
I put the cheese sauce onto warm dinner plates and placed the ravioli mix on top to finalize.
It was really a great inspiring recipe, so many tastes mingling together to make this dish special and a great dinner experience.
Thank you @johann.lafer
#abeartravelstheworld #einbaerreistumdiewelt#abearstaysinoffenbach #bearcuse #ravioli #pumpkinravioli#famouschefs #pastapasta #plushielovestoeat #bonappetit